Friday, November 11, 2011

Isaac's first dive

Isaac was dive certified a few months ago -
but every time he and Mike planned to go on a dive together,
the weather was nasty or something else came up.

Friday, 11-11-11 - Veteran's Day!
we made a trip down to GabGab and Isaac and Mike finally got to dive.

Diver down!!

Saturday, October 22, 2011

Sweet Isaac

Reading to his little sister.....


Wednesday, August 24, 2011

Touring the USS Ronald Reagan

 Isaac loves all things military.

So when the USS Ronald Reagan pulled into Kilo Wharf,
Mike made sure Isaac was on the VIP list to tour the carrier.

Isaac is the guest blogger to tell you about his tour.

Hi Isaac here, the carrier that I went on had lots of aircraft, We went into hangar bay#2 first, then walked into hangar bay# 1 2nd.... (does that sound right?). that  picture to the right is of ronald reagan, they even have his office desk from the white house on the carrier, the real one!!!!!

 thats me in hanger bay #2
 where we entered the ship.......
and the helicopter was in hangar bay #1

that is the hawkeye aircraft with the name and number of the ship. the hawkeye is the aircraft that has a radar dome on the top and the one that takes reconsistance missions, it also extends the range of the carriers radar.
theres a picture of a python sneaking out the window.

and the picture below is of an F-18 fighter, this one is the one that preforms.....I think
this is the same kind of helicopter as the one in hangar bay two. but this one is on the flight deck. I think this one preformes search and rescue missions.
told you

that one is a prowler.

those are f-18's

that is the bridge, we got to go inside

that is a close up.

thats me in the captins chair....don't tell

those are F-18s again.

the ensigne

that is the bridge. taken next to the captiens chair

daddy took that photo

thats ronald reagens statue!

i took that photo from up high!

Wednesday, January 19, 2011

thoughts from Isaac

Isaac is a complex little guy with a lot of emotion.
I feel like, sometimes, he doesn't know what to do with it all.
So he has been encouraged to write / journal.
Here is the latest note to us.

as written, (exactly) by Isaac:

Dear Parents,

I wish chould have less homework and chorer because it takes time away from my day.  I don't get to do the things I enjoy like playing and reading and resting and wondering.
The chores get in the way after homework.  I've been mean latly because I don't get to play or do any of these things very much.  I get to much homework and it makes me scream and yell and all of that stuff and makes me lose time.  our rules are to strict and drive me crazy.  I've always wanted to play Call of duty: world at war but you say, "NO" becuase "It's an "M" game."  I've been angry latly and I want you to consider this greatly and carfuly with concern.


Sunday, January 2, 2011

Epic breakfast

A long time ago
in a Galaxy far,
far away,
a Jedi master chef created an EPIC breakfast
to unleash the power of his Padawan. 
Using the force,
he created three pancake molds
in honor of
their favorite galactic heroes and villains. 

Okay, the real story is, that Mike's mom used to make pancakes into shapes when he and his brother and sister were kids.  She got our boys some pancake molds when they were little and the tradition continued.  Mike would get up with the boys on Saturday mornings and make Daddycakes.  They were letters and all kinds of shapes. 

Continuing with the tradition, our great friends the Medved's sent these to us for Christmas.

Thus, the Galactic Breakfast in honor of Isaac's birthday!



Storm trooper

Saturday, January 1, 2011

Diet coke and mentos

Isaac's 11th birthday science extravaganza!!!!

I thought the boys would be super excited about soda spraying all over the place.
But they were more excited about playing with "Mars Mud"
A combination of corn starch and colored water.
Those videos in the next post

Happy Birthday Isaac!